527 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
www.theBECAfoundation.org | www.BECAICAD.org | www.CurateThis.org
Current Artist, Architect + Designer Opportunities:
Receive Deadline July 15, 2010: CURATE THIS! 2010 - global exhibition of new art + new design - artist, architect + designer registration: http://www.curatethis.org/for-artists-and-designers.php
Highlights of interest to all artists, architects + designers:
In addition to the exhibition opportunities, an International Public Vote Award of $2,500 will be awarded to one artist, architect, designer, duo, group or collective. An online vote will occur from August 15 - 17, 2010. The BECA Foundation is also pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the CURATE THIS! online magazine featuring participating CURATE THIS! Artists, Architects + Designers from around the world. A special monthly feature will focus on 5 participating Artists, Architects and/or Designers.
Of particular interest to graphic designers, industrial designers, fashion designers, furniture designers, accessory designers, architects and interior designers:
Ellen Lupton, Curator of Contemporary Design at the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, will be selecting 10 - 20 CURATE THIS! 2010 participating designers and their works for inclusion in the special upcoming publication, 'CURATE THIS! 2010 - NEW DESIGN'.
Of particular interest to artists working in any media and in any discipline(s):
Helen Pheby, PhD, Senior Curator at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK, will be selecting 10 - 20 CURATE THIS! 2010 participating artists and their works for inclusion in the special upcoming publication, 'CURATE THIS! 2010 - NEW ART'. YSP exhibits an ever-changing diverse collection of works and new projects within 500 acres of both indoor and outdoor galleries.
Receive Deadline September 1, 2010. Architecture + Design online portfolio reviews for future BECA ICAD development: http://www.becaicad.org/portfolio-reviews.php
Open Call to Art Organizations, Artspaces, Design and Studio Directors, professionally affiliated and independent Curators, Galleries, Universities, Museums, Festivals, Business Owners, Managers and Entrepreneurs
CURATE THIS! 2010 currently has 12 pARTicipating Venues located in various cities around the world and we'd like to also invite you to be a part of the inaugural global expansion of CURATE THIS! as a pARTicipating Venue. The BECA Foundation welcomes your pARTicipation in one of the most exciting international contemporary art + design exhibition and arts + cultural events of 2010. Further information may be found at: http://www.CurateThis.org. Information of particular interest to potential pARTicipating Venues may be viewed at: http://www.CurateThis.org/for-venues.php
Future Forward
Full exhibition is now viewable online at: http://www.becaicad.org/upcoming-exhibitions.php
The BECA Foundation is pleased to present the ‘FUTUREFORWARD’ exhibition of new art + new design at BECA ICAD (International Center for Art + Design), 527 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 - across from the Contemporary Arts Center through May 29, 2010. The exhibition highlights works that reveal an idea, message, contribution, warning or solution that if carried forward may profoundly impact the future – be it positively or negatively.
Dear Friends,
The timing and poignancy of this particular exhibition opening last weekend as we here in Louisiana begin to simultaneously experience what may be the worst environmental disaster/oil spill since the Exxon Valdez, makes an already important exhibition even that much more so. Our thoughts are with those families who have lost loved ones in the oil rig explosion as well as with the many families here in Louisiana and around the United States whose livelihoods will be adversely impacted as a result. The resulting damage to our fragile coastal ecosystem was preventable and as such is unacceptable but it is now, unfortunately, inevitable. We hope that each of you, viewing the exhibition online or in person here in New Orleans, takes away something you might be able turn into a positive action toward the future for yourself, your family and your community.
Melissa Roberts and Kurt Schlough, Directors
This group exhibition features new work by Jonas Angelet, Nikkita Bhakta, Richard Elaver/Phil Renato/Dennis Dollens, Chris Esposito, Sayaka Ganz, Marc Holt, Yeji Jun and Molly Rogers.
The exhibition runs through May 29, 2010. Gallery hours are TH/FRI: 1pm - 6pm and SAT/SUN: 11am - 6pm. The full exhibition is now viewable online at: http://www.becaicad.org/upcoming-exhibitions.php
Artists receive 60% of sale proceeds and The BECA Foundation receives 40% of sale proceeds to help fund + further its international exhibition programming for the benefit of artists, designers and the public. Exhibition sponsorship opportunities are available for future exhibitions. Please email us to inquire. Thank you for supporting new art + new design + new ideas!
May 18, 2010 (5pm-7pm): Creative Connections Mixer
We've launched a new weekly mixer, Creative Connections, for resident New Orleanians and visiting guests to New Orleans who are part of the creative sector. You never know who will show up and who you might meet...
Visual + Performing Artists, if you're interested in connecting with materials suppliers, framers, fabricators, web designers, seeking studio/gallery space, marketing and other service consultants, etc. -
Architects, if you're interested in connecting with suppliers, designers, artists, builders, developers, etc. -
Designers, if you're interested in connecting with suppliers, photographers, printers, architects, studio directors and other service providers, seeking studio space, etc. -
Musicians + Performers, if you're interested in connecting with equipment and other suppliers, collaborators, consultants, venues, talent organizers, videographers, etc. -
Film + Video, if you're interested in connecting with equipment and other suppliers, talent/crew, collaborators, future partners and service providers, etc. -
Writers, Art + design enthusiasts and supporters of the creative sector, if you're interested in learning about what's new in the creative sector and how you might get involved in variety of new projects, etc. -
Administrators and directors, if you're interested in connecting with collaborators, future partners, artists, designers and service providers, etc. -
Visiting guests here in New Orleans, if you're interested in connecting with collaborators, future partners, artists, architects, designers, musicians and service providers, etc. -
And anyone else who may be involved in the creative sector: Please join us this Tuesday, May 18 2010 from 5pm - 7pm at BECA ICAD, 527 St. Joseph Street, across from the Contemporary Arts Center for some mixing, mingling and connecting. If you'd like to sponsor a future mixer or propose adding something to the organizing of the mixers, please email us with the subject line "mixer". Looking forward to seeing you there!
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